Welcome, Marhaba,
Willkommen to Tidy Bayti

Tidy Bayti was launched in 2019 by Wiebke Buelow,
the first certified KonMari® Consultant based in Bahrain,
with the aim to “spark joy” for people and change their
way of living by starting their own KonMari® tidying

I’m German and since more than 14 years I live with my
husband, our son and dog in Bahrain, the place
we proudly call “home”.

My KonMari® Journey

My personal KonMari® journey started with an Instagram post of a friend who unveiled her amazing progress of decluttering. I had never heard of Marie Kondo before,
but I was so impressed that I ordered her first book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.

The book arrived and I read it in two days, that didn’t happen with any other book since I gave birth. Being a mum myself I know life turns upside down the moment you become a mother and things get easily out of hand. So, I was very excited to start my own KonMari® journey with the clear target to finish before we would move into our new home.

People who know me asked, “why are you doing this, you are German, you are so organized already?!”. Yes, I always liked things to be organized and I’m good at tidying, but only after I read Marie Kondo’s book, I realized that I kept way too many things in my life that didn’t “spark joy” anymore. This made it difficult for me to find the calm and serenity I was looking for.

My Magic Life Changes

Decluttering my belongings first, and with the permission of my husband, also communal items, we had an incredibly smooth and quick move of houses. Since then we had more family time, less arguments and we stopped searching for our belongings because every item in our household has its home.

Having finished my tidying journey doesn’t mean that our house always looks picture perfect, but we spend little time tidying things and daily chores in the house are easy. And, yes, my husband, at first skeptical, has joined in and tidied his personal belongings, too.

Inspired by the change my KonMari® journey had to our home and my life, and the positive feedback I received from friends and family, I decided to pursue this as my passion and new profession.